Curriculum Vitae

Marital status: Married, 2 children (23 and 26 years old)

25.03.2015 Certificate for years of work as President “Ehe-, Familien- und Lebensberatung Darmstadt e.V.” (marriage, family and life councelling)
26.03.2013 Specialist lawyer “Inheritance Law”
08.06.2006 Specialist Lawyer Family Law
03.07.2000 Bar exam, since then own law firm in Darmstadt
14.04.2000 2. Staatsexamen in Hesse (state examination)
06.02.1998 1. Staatsexamen in Rhineland-Palatinate (state examination)
1994 – 1998 Law Studies at Johannes- Gutenberg University of Mainz, Elective:
Family and Inheritance Law
  • Attendance at meetings, conferences; especially mediation/ dispute resolution conferences
  • English Legal Methods studies University of Cambridge/UK
  • Participation “The European International Model of the United Nations Conference” in Den Haag/NL
1995 Scholarship Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst (Begabtenförderungswerk)
1989-1994 Social studies protestant technical college Darmstadt; Elective: family care/welfare and child guidance, debt counselling
Thematic specialization: Debt
Social worker at the youth welfare office in Darmstadt.
Seminar “Mediation”
Degree: Master of Social Work
1989 Language scholarship Dante-Alighieri-Gesellschaft Darmstadt; stays in Florence/Italy, Cannes and Paris

Other Activities:

  • President of the marriage family and life counselling Darmstadt e.V. since 2002
  • Law teacher at the protestant technical college Darmstadt since 2009